Harnessing Big Data's potential for the insurance industry | Insurtech Insider Podcast

March 9, 2022 | 45:51 min
Spotify | Apple Podcast | Google Podcast
“The big things that organizations should be looking at are: “What do I want to do with this data? How am I going to bring more people together to collaborate? What new products is that data going to enable to transform in our business?” - Jason Reichl.
In this episode
Our CRO Jason Reichl joined Nigel Walsh and John Bean to take a deep dive into data. Data is incredibly important in insurance, and in this podcast, they took a look at how it’s evolving. They covered the massive explosion in data in the past few years, the reasons behind it, the blockers it currently faces, and how we can get over them. Also, they tried to predict what we might see in the future!
About this podcast
Insurtech Insider is a fortnightly show from 11:FS, hosted by 11:FS' Head of Research, Sarah Kocianski and co-hosted by Google's Managing Director, Insurance Nigel Walsh. Each show they pair are joined by a range of very special guests and experts in the insurtech space to talk about breaking news and hot industry topics. Whether you are an insurance beginner or an industry expert, the team will bring you right up to date on all things insurtech.
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