
Don't Trust the Process... Trust the Policy.

Have you ever wondered if the COIs you’re collecting represent real, valid, enforceable policies? TrustLayer Pulse verifies the insurance policy at the source so you can have the confidence you need to do business. 

Real-Time Validation

The dirty secret about COIs is… they’re just a piece of paper. Easily faked, forged, or defunct. And they’re only valid the moment they’re issued. So by the time you collect it, read it, and file it, the coverage itself could already have changed. Let’s say a policy is canceled, terminated, or its limits have been reduced. You’d never know until the next time you collect it.

If something changes…wouldn’t you like to know?


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Spot Fraud

We’ve seen it. Sometimes, businesses issue certs that are outright fraudulent. Since Pulse connects directly to the policy, it can catch fraud and flag discrepancies by design. This way, you can be more confident that your risk has been transferred. 

If someone tries to pull a fast one… you’ll know.

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Strength in Numbers

TrustLayer has built the largest network of compliance connected to the ground truth of the policy itself. With every certificate you bring onto the platform and each new partner we sign, our network of trust expands. 


Join our network of trust… so you can be in the know.

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Join our Network

Connect with TrustLayer and join the fastest growing network built with the industry to solve digital proof of insurance. 
