
Certificate of Insurance for Real Estate

See why Real Estate firms choose TrustLayer to protect their businesses by increasing insurance compliance and decreasing risk.

Simple & intuitive insurance verification & tracking.

Trusted by these fine partners


The Importance of Certificate of Insurance (COI) for Real Estate

Get Visibility into Insurance Compliance Statuses with Automation.


Collecting, tracking, and verifying certificates of insurance is an extremely time-consuming and manual task.

Also, insurance can be really complex.


Small mistakes can result in increased risk to your Real Estate firms & huge financial losses.


With TrustLayer, Real Estate companies can decrease peril with automated verified insurance documents on file before being put into legal jeopardy.

Why TrustLayer


Simplify Workflows

Eliminate complex paper based workflows - verify tenants and vendors in a snap leveraging computer vision and RPA.


Improve Productivity

Shift valuable staff time from requesting, tracking, and verifying documents to revenue-generating activities.


Not Just Another COI Tracker

Built from the ground up for insurance compliance - automate COI processing on one simple, easy to use website.

Our customers say it best

My company works with roofing contractors across the country. The gathering, verifying, and certificate of insurance tracking is a major undertaking. Trustlayer handles all my insurance verification now and does a fantastic job. They’ve already provided their worth several times over and I no longer worry about contractor insurance compliance or fraud. Plus, the amount of time and aggravation that they save frees may staff up to work on more profitable endeavors.

profile pic

Richard Nelson


Run a better risk program with TrustLayer

Want to see how your risk program stacks up?


Automate Your Compliance Workflows

TrustLayer is the perfect insurance solution for our 1000+ home builders – protecting their businesses by saving time and money with automation.

Chuck Shinn
President @Builder Partnerships
